This time we have prepared a very tasty recipe for you. It is already time to prepare very tasty summer dolma.
This dish is made mainly of stuffed cabbage rolls, but for our summer dolma we also include different vegetables such as eggplant, fresh peppers, tomatoes and zucchini.

For the meat stuffing
- 1-2 small eggplants
- 2-3 fresh green or red bell peppers ( I also use spicy chili peppers)
- 2-3 fresh tomatoes ( make sure they’re not too soft or ripe)
- 1 zucchini ( optional)
- 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
- 3-4 garlic cloves
- 2 ½ -3 lbs fresh ground meat
- ½ cup rice
- 1-1½ cup cold water
- Fresh or dried greens such as: parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, savori
- Spices such as: ground black pepper, cayenne, paprika
- Salt to taste

For tomato sauce
- 3-4 tbs olive oil
- 1 large onion, sliced lengthwise
- ½ cup tomato sauce
- ⅓ cup salsa
- 2 tbs red pepper paste
- 1 tbs tomato paste
- 1 tbs paprika
- 1 tsp ground black pepper
- Salt to taste

- In your food processor combine all the ingredients plus water, except the meat and rice
- Pour the mixture over the meat and rice, mix well to incorporate , taste the salt
- Stuff and arrange all the veggies, cabbage leaves inside your pot
- Pour the tomato sauce on top of the stuffed veggies
- Add boiling water or stock, as much as it needs to almost cover the veggies, don’t add too much liquid, as it cooks ,more liquid from veggies and meat will come out
Cook on the stove, put a ceramic plate on top of the vegetables, after boiling, remove the plate and cover halfway with a lid, cook on medium-low heat, cook for 35-40 minutes.

Article by July S.